Friday 9 November 2012

Today I decided to design and create my characters gloves. First I looked at some medieval gloves online to get a feel of how I wanted my design to look. Then I created a front and side view of my gloves in Flash in order to reference with in Maya. Once my design was complete I began creating them in Maya.

I did expect creating hands/gloves to be hard before I began making them, but once I began modeling it was very much a matter of fiddling around with the shape repeatedly until I felt happy with each angle. This did take a while but eventually I got a hand shape I was happy with.

After the hand was complete I added some armor/gloves over the hand, I did this so I can then add a chain mail texture to the hand itself, by doing this I can avoid having to model the nails and extra tedious details that are unnecessary for now.

Once this was complete I then imported the glove model in to my main character file in order to add the hand to my model.

Now my glove is in place the final thing to do is duplicate and rotate the glove to the other side. But before I do that I will add some addition spikes to the glove and textures. I also reduced the size of the top plate armor in order to help it attach to my models shape more accurately.

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