Wednesday 23 January 2013

Today I did a few things, I first tweaked the join weights of my main model, I couldn't really get my head around this so I did it for the bones that affect my animation and then tweaked them where I saw issues rather than perfecting the whole model.

Then I made a simple animation for my main character after following a simple tutorial on maya animations.

Next I finished of my avatar character by creating his ears and adding a floor for him to stand on, for the floor I used the same grass texture and bump map as I used in my main character grass stand.

Unfortunately this website is giving me some technical difficulties at the moment so I will upload screen shots of this later if I can.

Tomorrow or later I will begin creating my main characters back ground I plan on finding a good tutorial to help me use some effects in order to make the background appear far in the distance at high quality, I also plan to make it as a cliff edge with some sky behind it with my character stood on the hill in the foreground. After this I will work on the lighting, cameras and rendering before Friday.

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