Saturday 12 January 2013

Today I created my head for my basic avatar, I think I may have over done it again, by using too much detail but I didn't want my avatar to have a bad head. I followed the same head modeling tutorial for this avatar as I did for my main character here is a link to the tutorial.

And here are some pictures of my progression, for this design I decided to make the avatar of my self to save time making designs.

I ended up improvising for after I had got half way through because my pictures didn't line up perfectly, this means the head is not exactly the same shape as my face but it still passes for a human head in my opinion. If I was going to do this again I would spend more time in Photoshop lining up my reference images. Next I will make a cartoon styled body for my avatar, this will require some proper designs, which I will make in flash.

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