The first thing I decided to do in order to make a start at
this project was to figure out how I want my character to look. In order to do
this I will first research some Orc monsters online to see how different
existing character look. I will then create my own designs for an Orc in flash
ready to be traced and created in Maya.
Below are a few images I took a look at to help me figure
out how I want my character to look.
Image found at:
Originally I was planning on making a single headed
character but after seeing this image I decided a two-headed one could look
much better.
This image shows the style of armour I was planning on making
for my character, I want the Orcs in my game to have a tribal rugged leather style
of armour to show primitive knowledge and give them stronger characteristics.
Some ideas I had to enhance this are to use random real world objects as
armour, for example a stolen bowl as a helm or a horse’s saddle as a shoulder
Image found at:
This following image shows the type of proportions I was
planning to use on my Orc, only with less armour. So I will use this as an
initial proportions guide when designing my own character.
Image found at:
Now I have a few good examples and a stronger idea of how I
want my character to look I can begin my initial designs.
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