Wednesday 12 December 2012

Today I created my sword to add to my characters island, I really enjoyed doing this as I didn't expect to be able to create such a nice looking weapon. First I made my side and front view designs in Flash then I began creating the object in 3D in Maya. It took quite a long time to do but I am very happy with the results, when I made this weapon I think I may have sub divided it too many times, but I really wanted the curves to have a good quality and not a block look, I settled on the high quality and high poly count because I for a movie and not a game its not too big of a problem. However is this object was to be a live item in a game I would definitely undo the last two subdivisions to half its poly count and make it lightweight. Once I had the object complete in Maya it had a really evil feel to it so I decided to change the color scheme of my design slightly and make it all metal with a dark metal handle rather than wooden. Below are some screen shots of my work in progress.

 Flash designs.
Maya production
And there is my final complete quality sword.

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